
CPAs: Take Back Your Time with an Advanced Electronic Signature Tool

Heather Mueller
February 5, 2020
Min Read

How often does this happen to you?

You prepare the tax return and send it to your client to review, sign, and send back. And then you wait…

And wait…

And wait.

All you need is a few critical signatures to finalize and file the documents. Yet even in the age of mobile scanning and email, it can still take a surprisingly long time for clients to get those documents ready to be filed.

If this challenge is one that’s familiar to you, it may be time to rethink the process you use for collecting signatures.

After all, the IRS has been accepting eSignatures on returns and official tax documents since 2018. So if you haven’t yet tapped into the time-saving features of electronic signature software, this season is a great time to start. Having a strong, secure eSignature tool in place will not only free up your time, but provide some big benefits for your clients, too—ones that can help you maintain a competitive edge.

To help you understand the potential value of eSigning, let’s take a quick look at three big benefits of incorporating electronic signatures into your filing process this tax season.

With a strong electronic signature solution, you can:

1. Stop worrying about lost documents.

When you have a mountain of documents to keep track of, as all tax professionals do, having one central location for every file and folder is key. Using robust eSignature software can make it remarkably easy to achieve just that.

By switching to a tool that lets clients sign documents online, you can have completed files automatically sent to the online storage location of your choice. You’ll get a notification when a newly signed return is ready, with a direct link to the exact files you need.

There’s no more searching for documents across multiple cloud accounts and hard drives, and no need to sort through hard copies in the hope that an important file hasn’t been misplaced.

2. Increase the security of client data.

If there’s one challenge every CPA and tax professional faces, it’s this: Clients are placing some massive trust in you to keep their personal information safe.

It’s a big responsibility—one important enough that the IRS has dedicated a range of resources to help tax professionals prepare for the possibility of data theft.

Using eSignature software can provide some tremendous advantages. By having clients sign tax documents online, you can help ensure their data remains secure at all times. Why? Because electronic signatures are far more secure than their pen-and-paper counterparts, and even allow you to provide an extra layer of password protection.

When selecting an electronic signature tool, just be sure to choose one that retains documents in high-tier data centers and maintains IRS-compliant audit trails.

3. Say goodbye to long turnaround times.

Does your team tend to wait days for signatures or spend hours faxing lengthy documents? With a digital solution built especially for finance teams, you can significantly cut down the time it takes to obtain signatures.

Why? Simple. With electronic signatures, there’s no need to find a time to meet your clients in person or wait for documents to be printed, signed, and scanned. You simply set up your document and add signature requests. Then share files that your clients can sign and send back from anywhere, on any device, in just a few clicks.

Looking for an eSignature solution you can use to simplify tax season? Formstack Sign provides a simple drag-and-drop builder you can use to easily collect initials, signatures, and dates. It’s one of the best electronic signature options available on the market today, with advanced security measures and audit trails designed especially for CPAs and tax professionals.

See why Formstack Sign is the top choice for tax professionals.


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Heather Mueller
Heather is a website copywriter and digital content strategist who loves helping brands generate leads through the power of the written word—especially when using Formstack. Connect with Heather on Twitter @heathermueller.
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