Move business forward with a smart Citrix RightSignature alternative

Easily collect eSignatures from customers, employees, and partners with an intuitive and versatile eSigning experience.
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Simplify your eSignature collection

Get set up in no time

Easily collect electronic signatures on contracts, proposals, NDAs, and other documents. With Formstack's simple setup process, you can start sending documents for eSignature in minutes. Just upload your document, add your signature fields, and send the document to participants.

Enjoy greater versatility

Formstack Sign is compatible with multiple file types, including PDFs, JPGs, PNGs, and Microsoft documents. Paired with delivery options that include sharing a link via email or text message, you can offer customers, employees, and partners a smooth and flexible signing experience.

Access higher account limits

Get the room you need to grow without worrying about cumbersome account limits. With Formstack Sign, you get unlimited eSignatures, documents, and templates each month on any plan type. Simplify workflows and get business done with our Citrix RightSignature alternative, whether you're collecting 10 signatures or several thousand.

Exceed compliance standards

Formstack Sign emails are sent with opportunistic TLS end-to-end encryption to ensure your documents remain protected. Additionally, our RightSignature alternative complies with regulatory measures and meets HIPAA compliance standards. Safely collect electronic signatures on documents that contain healthcare data.

Formstack for Salesforce

Compare Formstack Sign and Citrix RightSignature

Browse through the tools and features in the comparison table below to see how Formstack stands up.

Ready to get started?

Learn how our no-code suite of products can help you automate the processes that matter and be more productive.