Your Role

Station #1

Station #1 Segment*
Station #1 Band*
Station #1 Format*
Music Type (#1)*
Public Radio Format (#1)*
Station #1 Country*
Market Size (Station #1)
Is this station a current (NON-Techsurvey) Jacobs Media client? (#1)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Public Radio Techsurvey (PRTS 2020) in June? (#1)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Christian Music Techsurvey this summer? (#1)*
Did this station participate in our previous COVID-19 survey? (#1)*

Station #2

Station #2 Segment*
Station #2 Band*
Station #2 Format*
Please select the format that best represents your station
Music Type (#2)*
Public Radio Format (#2)*
Station #2 Country*
Market Size (Station #2)
Is this station a current (NON-Techsurvey) Jacobs Media client? (#2)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Public Radio Techsurvey (PRTS 2020) in June? (#2)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Christian Music Techsurvey this summer? (#2)*
Did this station participate in our previous COVID-19 survey? (#2)*

Station #3

Station #3 Segment*
Station #3 Band*
Station #3 Format*
Please select the format that best represents your station
Music Type (#3)*
Public Radio Format (#3)*
Station #3 Country*
Market Size (Station #3)
Is this station a current (NON-Techsurvey) Jacobs Media client? (#3)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Public Radio Techsurvey (PRTS 2020) in June? (#3)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Christian Music Techsurvey this summer? (#3)*
Did this station participate in our previous COVID-19 survey? (#3)*

Station #4

Station #4 Segment*
Station #4 Band*
Station #4 Format*
Please select the format that best represents your station
Music Type (#4)*
Public Radio Format (#4)*
Station #4 Country*
Market Size (Station #4)
Is this station a current (NON-Techsurvey) Jacobs Media client? (#4)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Public Radio Techsurvey (PRTS 2020) in June? (#4)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Christian Music Techsurvey this summer? (#4)*
Did this station participate in our previous COVID-19 survey? (#4)*

Station #5

Station #5 Segment*
Station #5 Band*
Station #5 Format*
Please select the format that best represents your station
Music Type (#5)*
Public Radio Format (#5)*
Station #5 Country*
Market Size (Station #5)
Is this station a current (NON-Techsurvey) Jacobs Media client? (#5)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Public Radio Techsurvey (PRTS 2020) in June? (#5)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Christian Music Techsurvey this summer? (#5)*
Did this station participate in our previous COVID-19 survey? (#5)*

Station #6

Station #6 Segment*
Station #6 Band*
Station #6 Format*
Please select the format that best represents your station
Music Type (#6)*
Public Radio Format (#6)*
Station #6 Country*
Market Size (Station #6)
Is this station a current (NON-Techsurvey) Jacobs Media client? (#6)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Public Radio Techsurvey (PRTS 2020) in June? (#6)*
Will this station commit to participating in our Christian Music Techsurvey this summer? (#6)*
Did this station participate in our previous COVID-19 survey? (#6)*

Additional People

If you would like somebody else in your organization to receive the survey results, enter their information here.
If you would like somebody else in your organization to receive the survey results, enter their information here.
If you would like somebody else in your organization to receive the survey results, enter their information here.

Processing Fees


Billing Info

Has your station(s) participated in our Techsurvey before?
Please select your target launch date: