Personal Information

Date of birth:
Marital Status:
Spouse’s Date of birth:
Current Address
Move In Date:
Status (check one):

Current Employment and Salary

Employer address:
Employee From Date:
Employee To Date:

Previous Employment & Salary (if less than 1 year at current job)

Employer address:
Employee From Date:
Employee To Date:

Other sources of income you would like us to consider:

Spouse’s Current Employment and Salary

Employer address:
Employee From Date:
Employee To Date:

Spouse’s other sources of income you would like us to consider:

Resident History (3 years required)

Prior Address 1:
Apartment or Landlord Address
Lived here from:
Lived here To:

Prior Address 2

Prior Address 2:
Apartment or Landlord Address
Lived here from:
Lived here To:

Prior Address 3

Prior Address 3:
Apartment or Landlord Address
Lived here from:
Lived here To:

Credit History

Has applicant ever: 

Declared Bankruptcy
Been Evicted
Refused to Pay Rent
Had a Criminal Record
Been Arrested for Drug Trafficking

General Information

Does Applicant have any pets at this time:

Vehicle Information

Emergency Contact

Secondary Contact Name: 

Doctor Name: 

I/We hereby consent to and authorize any representative of Oberer Management Services to obtain, verify and exchange information on any reports concerning me as are maintained by, but not limited to: City, county, state, federal law enforcement agencies, credit reporting agencies, present and/or past employers and/or past residences. I understand any information obtained by Oberer Management Services will be used as a factor in decisions they make, at their sole discretion, with respect to the apartment/house for which I am applying.

Furthermore, I hereby release and hold harmless agents, owners and affiliates of, but not limited to: their officers, directors, employees, agents, law enforcement agencies, credit reporting agencies, past and/or present employers, present and/or past residences, its officers and employees that shall provide information to Oberer Management Services, upon request, from and against any and all crimes, demands, suits, or expenses arising from or related to the content, validity or handling of said reports.

I/We hereby certify the information contained in this application for lease is accurate, full and complete. Any discrepancy or lack of information will result in immediate rejection of this application and forfeiture of deposit listed below. I/We understand this is an application for an apartment and does not constitute a lease agreement in whole or part.

I/We hereby acknowledge a Non-refundable Application Fee to be used in the processing of this application. I/We hereby acknowledge a Deposit shall be paid to be used to hold the apartment and will be processed at the time the application is submitted. If said application is denied, your deposit is refundable through the standard refund processing. Security Deposit will be forfeited if the application is cancelled by the applicant after 72 hours of application submission.

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