Cancer Risk Assessment


Would you say your general health is:*
What age group do you fall into?*
Do you currently smoke cigarettes, cigars, a pipe, a hookah, or use snuff?*
If you do smoke/use tobacco, how many times a day do you do
If ever, for how many years did you smoke/use tobacco?
What is your current weight range?*
About how many cups of vegetables do you eat daily? (1 cup of vegetables = 1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables, 1 cup of 100% vegetable juice, or 2 cups of raw, leafy greens)*
How frequently do you include high fibre (whole grain food, whole grain cereals, beans and legumes) in your diet?*
About how many cups of fruit do you eat daily? (1 cup of fruit = 1 small fruit, 1 cup of 100% fruit juice, or 1/2 cup dried fruit)*
How often do you eat high-fat foods? (Fried foods, fatty meats, packaged foods high in fat, snacks, added fat like oil)*
How often do you eat smoked food, food with high salt content, pickled food?*
How often do you drink alcohol?*
How often do you typically drink 2 or more Alcoholic drinks on 1 occasion?*
How often do you have someone to talk to when you feel lonely, depressed, angry or in need of help?*
How often do you engage in physical activity for at least 20-30 minutes? E.g. a brisk walk, Swimming, aerobics, or exercise programme.*
How often do you get 6-8 hours restful sleep?*
In the past 12 months, how often did you or your partner(s) use a condom when you had sex?*
Women only: How regularly do you go for a Pap Smear or breast examination?
Men only: How regularly do you have a PSA test, or have your GP check your testis?
How often do you spend time in the sun without wearing sunscreen (of at least SPF 20)?*
Do you have a family history of cancer? (Must be direct family members — father, mother, brother, sister, grandparents)*