Submission Form for Evaluators, Testers, and Tutors

Get Listed!

Let people know about your services and products! With more than 40,000 homeschoolers in Virginia, the homeschool market is one you don’t want to miss. Parents look to Home Educators Association of Virginia for accurate information and helpful homeschool resources. Don’t miss this opportunity to let homeschool families know about your services!

For a one-time fee of $45 and $20/year renewal, you can list your services where thousands of homeschool parents will view them. This small fee--likely less than the cost of one tutoring or testing session--gets your information out to the parents and students who need your help.

PLEASE NOTE: All submissions are subject to approval, and HEAV reserves the right to decline any submission. (If your submission should be declined, your fee will be refunded.)

Submitter's Information

(This information does not go on the website.)

Information for the Website

Listing alphabetized by personal or company name? *
Primary Service Area*
The information below will NOT be posted on the website; if you wish any of it to appear online, please include it in the "Specialty" box above.

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