(i.e., Acme Widgets, Wizbang Works)

Think about the corporate culture of the company you usually target.

Is it very bureaucratic or democratic?

Why Does This Matter?
This information is important in understanding such things as the length of time in the buying cycle, as well as how many influencers are involved.

Think about the industry in general.

Are there any new companies that are gaining market share?

Now begin thinking about how your own business is situated within this industry.

Why Does This Matter?
You can begin by answering these questions based on your current perceptions and update them as you gain more industry intelligence.

Why Does This Matter?
These questions will help you evaluate if you have the urgency needed to gain momentum toward a buying decision.

Now begin thinking about WHO your buyer is...
As with the company, in order to develop meaningful content you have to visualize someone reading that content.

(This could be a normal name like John Smith, or a nickname like Distributor Dave)

Why Does This Matter?
Smaller companies often have different titles than larger companies, so think about what all these possible titles may be. Being able to understand your buyer's title and career will enable you to answer his/her needs better. For example, someone at the introductory level needs more education than someone at the director level. Also think about how often the problem gets solved, because if it's once every ten years then it is likely that everyone will need educating since the solution probably changes during that time. Education depends not just on career level but also how often the problem gets solved.

What are the characteristics of your typical prospect?

Why Does This Matter?
Information like this is important in tailoring your content to your prospect's particular context. For example, younger individuals may be more willing to take a risk, whereas older individuals may have become a part of the culture and are less likely to take risks.

Is there potential for growth?

Why Does This Matter?
This can help tailor your content to how your prospect perceives business objectives. Take Gloria for example, she has been in her role for five years and has a personal goal of a successful launch of the Whiz Bang 3X for her professional advancement to Vice President of Product Development (in addition to her company’s goal of a successful product launch.) So developing content relevant to her goal for advancement, as well as a successful launch, is crucial to closing a sale.

Which types of content does your buyer engage with?

Why Does This Matter?
Your buyer will be more likely to read your information if it is in a place where they already go.

So now you know who your prospect is and what his/her role responsibilities are. Now begin thinking about how your prospect understands the current problem.

Does your prospect know about the problem?
Has your prospect started dealing with the problem?

Please enter your name and email address to complete the Buyer Persona.

Your Name*

You have now created a buyer persona. You understand who you are targeting, the industry that you are targeting, how a problem fits within that industry, how your prospect relates to that problem, and how your business fits within the entire equation to solve the problem.

But remember – this is only the beginning. Now you need to create relevant content in order to motivate your prospect’s buyer behavior. Using the problem-to-solution scenario, develop high-value content that speaks to your prospect’s needs, as well as any additional influencers that are pertinent to the buying cycle.

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